"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yesterday afternoon another cyclist strolled in to the campground to check it out and took a break and decided to stay. Turns out we were riding the same direction and decided to ride together today. He is on a loop from Chicago to san Diego and back and is currently on his way back.

The ride today was great, with a 15mph tail wind and a great 5 mi downhill that got speeds upwards of 45 mph. The day was sunny and the company nice. We got to clarkston, wa and went to the visitors center and they were very helpful. They had Idaho and Montana maps and gave us campground guides for hwy 12.

Not much else to post right now.


K. Higgins said...

glad to hear your trip is going so well! God bless!

K. Higgins said...

glad to hear you trip is going so well!! God bless!