"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Mighty Mississippi

I have made Wisconsin. I'm camped on the Mississippi right across from red wing shoe factory. I suprisingly have energy, though I have ridden nearly 180 miles in just the last two days. I outran a big storm yesterday and it was a beautiful day to ride today. I rode a great trail along the cannon river to red wing that had views of the river and dense woods.

I'm having a hard time balancing the freedom I've had over the last few months and a slight schedule for hospitality and a finish date. The biggest challenge now is the heat, as well as the floods. The flooding is putting me inside much like the cold did before. Right now the heat is ok because I can find places to escape the heat usually and I can carry two gallons of water.

The roads in Minnesota have been friendly, for the most part, but often quite rough. I did have a cycling map that showed traffic volume on the highways, but it's shoulder size notes were not always right.

The place I camped at last night said there was water available but when I got there it was very foul. Thankfully I had some left as well as some powerade. That lasted me until I could get back to town for some more water. Tonight they have a filter in the office that I can use to take care of it.

As I write this I just saw a tree float down the river.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Josh,

I met you on BRAN on the way to Thedford. I breifly talked to you as we rode into mullen. It sounds like you're having a great adventure! I can't wait to read more about your trip, and ask more questions of course! I don't think Lincoln, NE is close to your route, but if there is anything I might be able to help you with let me know!

God Bless,

Lisa, lsimon487@gmail.com