"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Reason

There is an author named Squire Rushnell who wrote a book called "Godwinks" (he also created the cartoon School House Rock). It tells of different stories of what some call coincidence and says those are really times when God is winking at us, saying " everything is okay and I got you.". I saw and read a lot of this book at the church in Last Chance. I have seen a few of those on this trip which tell me I'm on the right path and doing what I'm supposed to.

The Anton Food Store in the middle of nowhere; the Methodist minister being in last chance when I arrived (he was gone both shortly before and shortly after); stopping in front of Mason's house and getting a ride; and many more. These are little encouragements that let me know I'm on the right path.

I am also reading a book by John Eldredge entitled "Walking with God.". It talks of how we are meant to actually hear God, though not always through verbal communication. This book confirms something I already knew and have personally experienced. When people ask me why I am doing this trip I often say "to meet people; see the country; I think it would be fun; etc." while those reasons are true, I often find myself discouraged to say the real reason because it might be construed as crazy. John's book confirms this reason and encourages me: I heard God telling me to do it and these Godwinks are confirming it.

Three years ago I was not into road cycling and believed I never would be. Then I moved to Texas and was 70 miles from town and trying to do as much as possible. Where I lived is the area Lance Armstrong trains often. My parents had an old road bike that didn't really fit, but I decided to try it anyway, since I like free. I ended up liking it and shortly thereafter did a tour from Daytona to Baton Rouge for 1000 miles. I enjoyed it. From that experience, however, I would not have dreamed I would ever think of going for 49 states on a bike.

Now I am attempting a ride through the 48 contiguous states. The great part about it is I'm not worried about finishing. Sure I'd like to say I did it, but I am willing to stop any time I believe I am supposed to. I still don't know the full reason for this trip and that's part of what makes it so fun: "what's in store for me next and what am I to do about it.""

1 comment:

maryjt said...

I'm enjoying the blog about your journey, one on the bike and the other with God. May God grant success to the journey on which you have come. Genesis 24:42
Mary T.