"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back In The Hills

I'm officially in the mountains again. I went through the adirondacks and into the green range today. The grades haven't been too bad yet but I believe they are going to be with the mountains that are visible and knowing I have around two more days in them.

The bike has been performing well and so have I, though the humidity is killing me and I'm dead at the end of the day. The heat has at least dropped almost ten degrees. The wind today was at my back which made for good riding but didn't keep me very cool.

It feels weird only getting around 100 miles in a state, though that is a good portion ride through these smaller states. It's encouraging on the progress, just feels like I'm not doing a lot. I am now to the point where I will be riding across a state in one or two days each. Knowing that I have less than a month of riding left helps keep me motivated, though. I loose stamina and desire at times, though not enough to justify stopping.

The scenery around here is spectacular and majestic, even with peaks only being a couple thousand feet high. I get lost in the landscape and dream of times past and what this would've looked like to those who settled these areas over 200 years ago. I rode by a family farm that has been going for over 125 years!

I have also ridden through a lot of Amish and Quaker country. I have only seen one buggy on the road and only two families, though. Signs for sharing the roads with the buggies are all over, however.

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