"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Keep Austin Wierd

Austin, TX. Last night I attended a cocktail party at one of my friends places. I showed up in borrowed clothes from another friends place using a combination of his and his roommates clothes. I showed up to his place, got dressed, hung out, then we went to Trudy's for a bite to eat and a bit of the Cowboys/Saints game. After that we headed to the party. I ended up knowing about three people at the party; all from college. They gave us a piece of paper when we arrived that gave us something to do during the night that no one else knew. Mine was to keep the conversation on me as long as possible. I figured I wouldn't really do it since I knew almost nobody. It ended up just sort of happening once people started hearing what I was doing. They kept introducing me to more of their friends as they heard. I ended up meeting a lot of people and feeling a lot less awkward at these events than I normally do.

As has been happening these last few weeks, as I left fort worth, it got extremely cold the day I left after being in the 70's the last couple days. I stayed at two state parks and one roadside picnic area on my way to Austin. While I was hanging out at the picnic area a couple guys pulled up in a work truck. They found out what I was doing then offered me some bottles of water and dr pepper. That is exactly opposite of what everyone else did. Most people drove up, saw me under the shelter, then switched their car to reverse and backed up without saying a word.

Today I went to church with my brothers in-laws. The church had a living Christmas tree performance that was quite a production. After lunch we went to a couple different parks around Austin and did some hiking. One place was Hamilton Pools. It is a swimming hole with a waterfall. It was formed by a cave falling in and half the cave is gone while the other half surrounds the pool. It was a pretty cool little place.

1 comment:

K. Higgins said...

the swimming hole sounds like fun! hope it's warmer there than it is around here, if u r swimming! have fun and god bless