"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Sunday, December 13, 2009

ATTN: This Is The FWPD

Today I got to ride along in my friend Zack's squad car in Fort Worth. He has been on the force for around a year now. After talking with his boss and doing a background check on me, I was allowed to go. Zack works in one of the poorer and rougher neighborhoods near downtown Fort Worth. We spent a lot of time in the homeless district and government housing district. Shortly after starting the day we received a domestic disturbance call which involved some car searching and foot chasing. While I was not allowed to be directly involved with some things, I was still allowed to be around for booking and questioning and also visual aid when searching. The next bit of the day was somewhat slow with a lot of patrol and some minor complaints and traffic violations.

After dinner I was given a maglite to use, with force if necessary. We then responded to a minor accident on i35w. A car tapped a car beside it as the driver tried to merge, then swerved into the guardrail, busting about a dozen posts, knocking down a street lamp, and folding the front passenger tire under the car, then sliding for a good distance before stopping. Nothing exciting happened at the call, but it was a neat sight.

Overall it was a fairly slow day, but it was still a fun way to spend it, especially whipping through traffic on the way to answer calls. I'm still not fully interested in becoming an officer, but I have a greater appreciation as to why they respond to some violations and not others.

I will be heading towards Austin on Tuesday. The weather is predicted to be in the 50's and maybe the 60's. Hopefully that is the case. I'm anxious to keep moving, but am enjoying the breaks. Almost everyday I am more and more anxious to have a permanent place to call home, but am still enjoying and appreciating my freedom and exposure to so much.


K. Higgins said...

cool! u got 2 ride in a police car!! hope you have as much fun on the rest of your trip!
god bless

Hannah said...

Sounds pretty exciting! I'm glad to hear you're still having all kinds of adventures.

I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year's. We'll miss you for whatever version of an ugly sweater party we end up having...