"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Prius Will Save California

That's the impression I got for peoples mindset as I rode today. It seemed like every fourth car was a Prius. They say most trends start here, and I can see why. I feel many of these people got them just to join the bandwagon. Now, it isn't a bad thing when it is environmentally friendly, but as a country artist I like says, "I was green before green was a thing." It only really bothers me because when green isn't the thing, many of these people will probably switch back to their non-green ways.

Now that I'm done ranting, let's talk of the trip. I finally got pretty much over being sick yesterday. I decided to go for a short unloaded ride and ended up having my legs cramp up on me. I was secretly expecting this, but hoping it wouldn't happen. I got back and popped some vitamin and potassium pills and rubbed icy hot on, then relaxed and stretched for a while. Then I took a long, hot shower and stretched some more. I recovered fairly quickly, though I stretched a lot again this morning.

I took off and headed up the pch and started getting mild cramping. I prayed and messed with the gears some and fought cramping for quite a ways, and it eventually subsided.

I followed the pch to redondo beach where there was a sign that told me to turn for the bike route. I followed it and eventually found a road, but once I left the pch it was a series of too early or wrong turns. I finally got back on track after a couple miles.

I rode through el segundo, which is where I lived when I was out here working as a tour guide. It is the gateway to LAX. Shortly after el segundo I joined back up with the pch. A few more miles and I was to Venice. At Venice I turned towards Hollywood and another friends place. After some wrong turns, due to my lack of sticking to directions, I made it to his place.

I faced a fear that was bothering me from living out here. Knowing how the roads and drivers can be, I was a little nervous about riding out here. So far it has gone well. Only one more riding day and I should be out of trouble.

I get to stay here for a couple days and then head to my cousins by six flags magic mountain. Then bakersfield and up the valley to fresno and then I have to figure things out again.

1 comment:

denbec said...

Well I guess it's only been a week but I worry when you don't post an update. Hope all is well!