"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back to the Future

I left Vegas about a week ago and haven't had reception any night I stopped to camp. I have ridden along the edge of death valley and through the mojave desert. I had mountain passes everyday and each day started with a climb. It was very scenic.

I camped along the road north of Joshua tree the other day. It was raining most of the day, which wasn't in the forecast. Windchill was in the upper thirty's. It was fr-fr-fr-frigid. It stopped for a bit while I set up my tent but then started again. It also started thundering. I was camped near a military training ground and I'm pretty sure some of the thunder was actually bombs going off.

As I rode around Joshua tree I realized the highway should not be ridden by bicycle. Many of the drivers would rather risk missing me by inches or less than get into the completely unoccupied lane next to them. It was very nerve racking.

As I rounded the park into palm springs the wind picked up and was blowing me off my bike. I knew it would be somewhat windy as palm springs has a huge wind farm, which I rode through.

When I got to town I found there was a wind advisory for the next couple of days. I was in need of a break anyway, so I decided to take one and avoid the wind and let my body rest.

My body is sore and some minor injuries are starting to show up. None of them are serious yet, but it makes me cautious.

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