"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I am now down to three states!  Less than 1,000 miles!  In two days I will be in Illinois!  This is crazy to think about.  

The last few days have been rewarding but challenging.  The hills finally started to die down today.  They were quite numerous and challenging.  My energy has been low, but my morale has been high, except when completely drained of energy.  The weather has been quite hot, but occasionally I have had drops of rain.  Last night while camping I sweated until about 4 in the morning it was so hot.  It was even supposed to rain during the night, but only occasional showers came.  

The last couple of days seemed to be move-in day for a few universities.  I rode through a couple of towns that had some backed up streets due to college traffic.  It was quite amusing to see how many of them were on their phones while driving.  


Hannah said...

Finish strong, Josh! I can hardly believe this journey is coming to an end. Wow. You are awesome!

D Munney said...

When/where are you coming through Iowa? I'd love to log a few miles with you.

Josh Cunningham said...

I will be in Iowa on Sunday night, most likely in Lamoni on I-35. I will then head to Shenandoah on Monday and ride the Wabash trail to Omaha on Tuesday. That's the plan right now.