"Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will --whatever we may think."
Lawrence Durrell

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I just wanted to do a quick update. I have been resting the last couple of days at my brother and sister-in-law's house and have been utterly exhausted. I rode the high speed ferry across lake Michigan and it took 2 1/2 hrs to cover 85 miles. I had never really processed how big the lakes were until riding across it and not seeing land for such a long time.

Through visiting Trek and getting on their site and facebook page I have now had offers of places to stay out east that may come in handy when I get there. Since nothing is planned out too far ahead I won't know till I get closer.

Yesterday I visited Meijer Gardens here in Grand Rapids and saw glasswork by artist Chihuly. I had heard of his work before, but seeing it in person was quite amazing. Some of the pieces were extremely detailed. Hopefully I can upload some pics later. I took them on my phone.

The weather has been great if not a little too hot. Hopefully it stays this way for awhile as I continue on. It has been nice to be able to take a break for ice cream most every day.

And now it is time to go finish packing to head on today.


denbec said...

Great update - thanks for the pics! You will be adding some states in a hurry now. And I think you will find some nice scenic country as well. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe!


Unknown said...

If you are coming by the Buffalo, Niagara Falls area of NY and need anything (place to stay, support etc.) let us know. We're from Beatrice, went to Paddock Lane, been following you since you left. We'd be happy to meet you and support your journey.
Cell phone 716-440-9372
email trogge@gmail.com

maryjt said...

Just read the Trek blog about your visit and journey. Keep on treking :) and to God be the glory.